November 22, 2008

Shawn Bradley came to my work!!!

I was working the other day and SHAWN BRADLEY came to the pharmacy and graced our counter to ask us to help him find a product. He was so tall(7' 6")! I couldn't believe how tall he was in person. I would have only gone up to below his waist if I stood right next to him! I now know how Muggsy Bogues felt when he stood next to him. He could see over all the top of the shelves. I would be happy just to be able to reach the top shelf!  We all wished we could have gotten an autograph but didn't want to be rude and bother him. 


Ranell and Brandon said...

oh that is awesome! i'm way jealous, i would have loved seeing you next to him!

Amber said...

That would have been cool! It is crazy to think how tall those guys really are!