March 8, 2009

ThE PaiN oF A toRn MuScLe!!!

So for the past couple of weeks I have been sick with a cold and coughing like crazy. About four days ago my side started getting sore and I figured it had been from coughing so much. Well the other day I was at Old Navy and coughed three times and on the last time I didn't know what had happened. I could barely move or walk around. I was in such excruciating pain! I was glad that there weren't a lot of people around because I was leaning on things trying to get a grip of the pain I was in. I was worried I had cracked a rib or something because I felt this weird pop. I got to the doctor as soon as I could to get checked out. He took some x-rays and told me that I didn't crack any ribs but had torn a muscle. It is pretty lame that I am in all this pain over coughing! It hurts the worst when I cough, I can barely move around, and so many little things aggrevate it even more. I have noticed that we take so many everyday things for granted. It hurts to bend over, blow my nose, and laugh. I am just happy that my cough has subsided and I only cough a couple of times but when I do it hurts like crazy!!!


Cami said...

This very same thing happened to my sister. I even took her to the emergency room because we thought she had broke a rib. I heard it is so painful. Take a day off work woman!!

Alicia said...

Thats crazy! I didn't know this could happen! I am sorry your are in so much pain!